Circus Photography

It was my great pleasure, back in 2016, to be introduced to this group of aerialists and circus skill artists who put on a show every year (alright, most years!) in aid of charity, under the name of Cirque Du Chennai after one of their regular charities.

I’ve been pleased to be asked back regularly since then. It’s a world I knew nothing of and I was captivated.

Obviously it’s a gift to a photographer, particularly one who specialises in the Performing Human. What better example of the body’s capabilities than the things these people make look so simple?

It was sweet to discover that for all their amazing abilities, they are just as likely as all the rest of us performers to be their own worst critics.

They’d come off the stage grumbling about all the mistakes they’d made, and once I’d picked my jaw back off the floor, I’d think “Holy cow, that was the cocked-up version?”

Since it’s a show with an audience, these photos are all taken from the wings, or sometimes the side-aisles, and as always, by whatever lights are being used.

Once the Powers-That-Be get their collective elbow off the great Pause Button, I would like to find other similar groups to work with. Perhaps even closer to me than Kingston-upon-Thames, which isn’t close to me at all, frankly. Any Aerialists in Kent want their photos taken?

I’d also like to move into staging photoshoots of this kind of thing.

If you’d like further information, please go to my CONTACT Page.